Flash application support is only supported by server versions 2.3 and below. Server releases above that use a different format for message encoding (specifically, JSON) which is not supported by the Flash client library.

Creating iHart Applications

For sample code checkout the HelloWorld application available on GitHub.

Note: throughout this demo, "DemoApplication" will be whatever name you gave your .as and .fla files.



Open Adobe Flash CS6. Create a new .fla file by clicking on ActionScript 3.0 under "Create New". Create a new .as file by clicking File -> New -> ActionScript 3.0 Class (under Type). Name your .as file whatever you want your application to be called and name your .fla file with the same name. For our demo we have named the files DemoApplication.fla and

Setup for .as file

Now go to your .as file in Flash, you will see that Flash has already created some things for you. In order for stuff to work you will need to add some stuff to your code yourself:

Importing Libraries

Copy and paste these import statements:

import flash.geom.Vector3D;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import ihart.event.*;

Place them in your code after "package" and above the class declaration. Next add "extends Sprite" after the class declaration and before the opening brace.

Defining global variables and constructor

Next we will be adding certain "terms" or variables that need to be defined in all iHart applications for the code to work.

Copy and paste the global variables below:

private var hostName:String = "localhost"; //the host name will generally be localhost
private var port:uint = 5204; // the port number is 5204
private var cvManager : CVManager; //cvManager will handle our CVEvents

Add them to your code after "public class DemoApplication { ".

Copy and paste these lines of code to add to your constructor:

cvManager = new CVManager(hostName, port);
cvManager.addEventListener(CVEvent.SHELL, getData);

This will initialize your cvManager and add an event listener to it (all necessary for iHart to work!) Add them to your code in your after "public function DemoApplication() { " (your constructor).

Now notice that we will be defining the function getData to determine what happens with user movements. In other words this function will save the data of users' movements and react to them however you would like.

So you need to declare the getData function like this:

public function getData (e : CVEvent) : void { }

Add it after the "public function DemoApplication()" last bracket " } ".

Setup for .fla file

When creating your application think about what kind of background you want for your application. You also want to choose graphics that will appear as the user interacts with your iHart application. Choose some images save them in the same folder that your .fla and .as are located in!

Choose an image for your .fla file. To import the image onto the Scene go to File -> Import -> Import to stage and then select the image you saved. It should appear on top of the white background.

To create your graphic in your .fla file go to Insert -> New Symbol. Name your symbol anything you like, but remember that you will be referring to in your .as file. Choose MovieClip as the type of symbol and name your symbol.

Once you have created the symbol import your image graphic by going to File -> Import -> Import to Stage. The new symbol and background image should appear under the Library tab on the right in your .fla file.

Be sure to edit AS Linkage by double clicking under "AS Linkage" beside the symbol and change that to the same name as the Symbol.

Linking the graphics to the code in your .as file

Back to .as file: under your global variables you will be creating another variable to link your graphics to your code. Create a new instance of your symbol by inserting the following line of code in the list of variables:

private var variable_name: Vector.<Symbol_Name> = new Vector.<Symbol_Name>();

Replace variable name with any name you want, but be aware that you will be using it again later in the code.

Add these two lines of code to your variables (after "public class DemoApplication extends Sprite"):

//the maximum x and y offset of the symbols
private var yOffsetMax = 50;
private var xOffsetMax = 50;

Defining the getData function

For this function you will be renaming certain variables for your own purposes Be aware that you have to rename some of the code for the purposes of your specific application.

  1. For the variable "currentFlower", come up with your own name (e.g. "currentBall", "currentTriangle", "currentHeart", etc.) for a new variable that will hold your Symbol.
  2. Make this variable the same type as your Symbol (so whatever name you gave your Symbol in the .fla file).
  3. Add the Symbol to your variable by using currentName = new SymbolName(); using your own variable and Symbol names.
  4. Replace "currentFlower" with whichever name you have for your variable .
  5. It is also important to update the comments so that they reflect your specific application. All the lines that come after double slashes (//) or after a slash and two asterisks (/**) are comments.

The code is as follows:

 * Gets data about a CVEvent and creates flowers based on that data.
public function getData (e : CVEvent) : void {
	trace( "Acquiring data... " );
	var numBlobs : int = e.getNumBlobs();
	var blobX : Number;
	var blobY : Number;
	var rot : Number;
	var currentFlower : Bud;

	//for every blob there is on the screen
	for (var i : int = 0; i < numBlobs; i++) {
		currentFlower = new Bud();
		//save the blob's x and y values
		blobX = e.getX(i);
		blobY = e.getY(i);
		//add a random rotation to the flower (between 0 and 60degrees)
		rot = Math.random() * 60;
		currentFlower.rotation = rot;
		//add the new flower to the scene
		//generate the new flower's x and y based on the blob's x and y
		currentFlower.x = generateOffset(blobX, xOffsetMax);
		currentFlower.y = generateOffset(blobY, yOffsetMax);
		//add the new flower to the vector
		//remove any old flowers

Defining Additional Functions

In getData() we made calls or references to two other functions that we have not defined yet. removeOld(); removes flowers that have disappeared from view from the screen and the vector. generateOffSet(); generates a random offset for a flower's x or y value. In order to define these functions we must add these function declarations:

public function removeOld () : void { }


public function generateOffset (initialNum: Number, maxOffset: Number): Number { }

For removeOld() insert the following code in between the brackets "{ }". Again you must edit the code slightly to fit your application. Replace "flower" with the name you chose for the variable declaration you made earlier in your code (reminder: private var variable_name: Vector.<Symbol_Name> = new Vector.<Symbol_Name>(); ).

//for every flower in the vector
for (var i : int = 0; i < flowers.length; i++) {
	//if the reference portion of the flower is not visible
	if (flowers[i].currentFrame == 20) {
		//remove the flower from the screen
		removeChild(flowers[i]); //remove the flower from the vector
		flowers.splice(i, 1);

For generateOffSet() insert the following code in between the brackets "{ }".

//set the amount of offset randomly
var offset : Number = Math.random() * maxOffset;
//set the sign of the offset (0 is negative, 1 is positive)
var sign : int = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2);
if (sign == 0) {
	return initialNum - offset;
return initialNum + offset;

You have finished coding your iHart application!

Now just review and make sure you have everything (Note: these are modeled after the demo application so not everything will be the same):

Publish Settings

Finally in your .fla file you will need to change the Publish Settings for your Flash application to use iHart. These steps are also documented under the issues page.

File -> Publish Settings: Under Local playback security change it to Access network only.

Then on the top of the Publish Settings page look for a wrench-shaped and click it. Then click the icon that looks like a folder.

A browsing window will show up and from here you should navigate to the folder holding your iHart Application then Applications -> flash -> ihart. Stop here and click Choose.

Still in the Publish Settings page choose Win projector or Mac projector (depending on which system you are working on) from the Publish menu on the left side. This should create a .app file (at least on OSX) with your application name.

Now your application should be ready to use! Run iHart and then click on the .swf or .app file of your application to see your creation working!